Illuminating HOPE
After a loved one dies, there is a sense in which life feels darker, as if some light and color are drained from the world.
The Caring Place has made the darkness a little brighter for grieving children through our Illuminating HOPE campaign, letting them know that we're remembering them in their grief, and helping hope shine a little brighter.
Illuminating HOPE is a virtual gathering of butterflies, each one a message of love and honor and support.
People from all across the world create and contribute butterflies:
- In MEMORY of loved ones who have died
- In HONOR of a child or adult who is grieving
- In SUPPORT of grieving children, adults, and families everywhere
The butterflies are added to a special Butterfly Garden on our Illuminating HOPE website. These messages of transformation and hope show children that they are not alone — that they are cared about and supported in their grief. Seen as a whole, this garden is beacon of hope to all who are grieving the death of a loved one. You can add your butterfly of Memory, Honor or Support now.
Create a butterfly in our virtual Illuminating HOPE.
Learn more about Children's Grief Awareness Day.
2023 Mural (see 2023 Mural Reveal video)
Search for your butterfly here

2022 Mural (see 2022 Mural Reveal video)

2021 Mural (see 2021 Mural Reveal video)

2020 Mural (see 2020 Mural Reveal video)

2019 Mural

2018 Mural

2017 Mural

2016 Mural